Long Term Rentals

There are advantages that accrue and enjoyed by one who rents a car from us on a long term basis over one who uses our vehicle for a short period of time .Such advantages include a highly discounted rate, enjoy a variety of attractions at your convenience and also drive at ease.

One way rentals

This simply means renting a vehicle from one location and drop it in another location. Very few companies do have this kind of service and this is where Omega car rental Uganda proves a point of being extra ordinary. At Omega car rental Uganda we put our clients’ interest first. So just as our highlighted drop points, you can hire a vehicle from one point and drop the vehicle at another depends on your interest and program. Here we can as well hand you a vehicle at any point of your interest not necessary that every person has to pick up the vehicle from our head offices in Kampala.

On-spot renting

There are clients that the view of renting a vehicle crosses their minds at the last hour or maybe on arrival into the country. So in such a scenario, we are just a call away. This is possible since we have a fleet of vehicles that it is very difficult to be fully booked. So we always have ready vehicles for such clients so that their programs are not distorted but still I recommend booking in advance as it has many advantages over this on spot renting

Weekend vacations

This is intended to cater for those people especially in the corporate world who only have weekends to themselves to enjoy and make short holidays with either their families or loved ones. So we hire out vehicles to such kind of clients are not high rates so that they fulfil their life endeavors.

Inter-Country rentals

Omega car rental Uganda operates in the whole of East Africa. So we do hire out vehicles in all East African countries. So apart from Tanzania, we do hire out cars to other countries of Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya. So with Omega car rental Uganda vehicles, you can hire it from any one country and tour around the other East African countries. More still, you can hire a vehicle from one country and drop it in another country. Our vehicles no longer move to Tanzania due to their country’s recent motive of phasing out self-drive so that only safaris are accepted there. So in a bid to inculcate this into the country they give a lot of headache to clients and also threaten the safety of our vehicles. So until further notice we halted a bit our vehicles ‘movement to Tanzania.

All this is geared towards making your stay and drive in East Africa hustle free and memorable.