Tourism Activities in Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo Valley National park is famous for unique wildlife experience in Uganda. The park is situated in semi arid area between Uganda’s borders with Sudan and Kenya, some 700km from Kampala. Recognized worldwide as a national park in 1962, it has profusion of big game and hosts more than 77 mammal species as well as over 475 bird species. Active African Vacations Limited brings you some of the most popular tourist activities in Kidepo valley, they are specialists in cheap Uganda safaris taking you to all national parks in Uganda and other tourism destinations;

Activities here include:

ostriches-kidepo-valleyGame drives safaris in Kidepo valley National Park

Sight a lot of animals like Hunting dog, Bat-eared Fox, Cheetah, Striped Hyena, Caracal, the aard Wolf, elephants, oribi, burchell’s zebras, Jackson’s hartebeests, bush pigs, bohor reed buck, warthogs, rothschild giraffes, defassa water bucks, cape buffaloes, elands, bush duskier, bush bucks, lions, side-striped jackals, leopards, black-backed jackals, small cats, spotted hyenas among others. The 4×4 safari vehicles with a pop up roof are mostly used to enable visitors have a clear game view and photographing.

Mountaineering on Lamoj Mountain

Lamoj Mountain is situated 2 kms form the park’s head quarter. The mountain hiking is only for the clients in need of excising their bodies as some level of fitness in needed.

Nature safari in Kidepo valley

Visitors may as well go to see the marvelous Kidepo River Valley covered with Borassus palm forest; its broad flat bed is dried out through the biggest part of the year. From the Kidepo Valley, also you can visit Kanangorok Hot Springs that are situated just 11 km from the Kidepo river valley.

Birding in Kidepo National Park

The park is renowned for its exceptional variety of birds. Out of the Fifty eight recorded birds of prey, fourteen are thought to be specifically endemic to the Kidepo as well as the Karamoja region. Included in these are: the pygmy Falcon, Varreaux’s Eagle plus the Egyptian Vulture, in addition to many other species.

Cultural Performance in Kidepo National Park

Enjoy cultural entertainments from the local people-Karamanjongs and the Acholi. The performers have a wide range of traditional music, dances and drama. Expect to hear songs like the Emuya of the Nyangia as well as the Naporre ethnic groups along with Larakaraka plus Apiti dances performed by the native Acholi people